How long has the business been established?
How long has the owner had the business?
What is the Franchise opportunity about?
Granolithic tombstones originate in the USA and have become very popular. They have been manufacturing them locally for the last 10 years, and supplying it to clients via its own shops. Its growth has accelerated to the point where there is a national demand, and the company has elected to service this demand via franchised outlets. Being a franchisee means you will open a shop and be supplied with everything necessary to trade, including amongst other things, furniture, computers, business cards and pamphlets, signage and branded uniforms. Our tombstones are three times thicker than granite giving it a much bigger impressive look at a fraction of the price of granite hence giving Royal the competitive edge. We are able to offer the Tombstones in various different colours as per clients request which the granite market cannot. So overall they have bigger, brighter tombstones at a cheaper cost. Due to the market is South Africa and Africa where our cultures still place a high importance of Tombstones, we have a definite market which is not affect by the economic environment as this is something most people will not do without due to the its significant importance. Royal Tombstones has four factories around SA to service our retail franchises. The retail franchise ownersâ operations will basically entail the running of the retail shop in their specific area selling tombstones.
How many existing franchisees are there in the group and for how long have they been operating?
There are 3 factories based in strategic positions in order to service the market efficiently. Areas of factories are KZN-Ballito (12 years), Eastern Cape-East London( 5 Years) and JHB - (3 years) and Paarl (2 Years).
In which provinces/ areas are the existing franchisees located in?
KZN, Eastern Cape, Limpop, JHB and Cape Town
How does the business operate on a daily basis?
The retail shop operates Monday to Saturday and is run by a shop manager who deals with clients queries and orders.
How are the clients attracted to the business?
Position of shop is important as the higher the foot traffic the more clients the shop attracts. We also use ladies on the streets handing out flyers and calling on local funeral parlours to view our shop. There is also the national online marketing which then directs all leads to the different retail franchises.
What Advertising/Marketing is carried out?
Social media networks Newspaper Flyer campaign
Does the business have any contract work?
In different areas retail shops can get contact work through the many funeral parlours who will use the product.
What competition exists?
As compared to other industries the tombstone manufacturing competition is not that great as our product is unique and different to granite.
What are the seasonal trends?
Tombstones are all year round as well as the policies
How is income derived?
Selling of tombstones and funeral policies.
How does the franchise operate on a daily basis?
You operate through your retail shop which in most cases are managed by your shop sales lady. You can also employ another person to call on funeral parlours.
Does the Head Office assist in securing contracts (if applicable) or is it up to the individual franchisee's to do this?
Head Office on securing national deals will pass the sales in the franchise area applicable. Franchises can also on their own accord secure local contracts in their areas.
What advertising and marketing is undertaken on a group basis and what is the individual franchisee expected to do?
Social Media campaigns that are run by the professional in the industry. Newspapers. Each franchise can tailor the marketing for their own franchise area as they see fit.
What is the total staff complement?
For the retail shops you will only need 1 employee
Do any receive special perks or incentives?
Bonus incentives of sales targets
What are the trading hours?
8am â 16h30 week days 8am â 13h00 Saturdays
What is the square meters of the business?
40 - 80 sqm
Do you require a licence?
Unique unrivaled product. Market size.
Finding the right sales person
The market is massive and ever growing.
If traditions change
What is the reason for the sale?
To grow market share nationally
Why is this a good business?
Death is a certainty and due to traditions tombstones are essential part of a burial. Not affected by the economic environment.
How are Projected turnovers and profits calculated?
The company's outlets have been running for several years and provided excellent data to project future profits for franchisees. INCOME The average sale price is R 12000 per tombstone and a shop sells on average 10 tombstones per month. The Gross Profit is 50% of the sale - R 6000 per tombstone. At 10 sales the total average gross profit per month is R 60000. EXPENSES Average monthly costs to run a store will be Rent R 10000, Electricity and Water R 800, Telephone R 1200, Wages R 4500, Commission R 4000, Stationary R 1000 and Credit Card machine costs R 1625 = Total R 23125 including the franchise fee. Please note these are estimates. Additionally there is a fixed monthly royalty fee of R4750. NET PROFIT Average monthly net profit is R 33125.
What is the Franchise joining Fee?
R550 000.00
What is the monthly royalty, management and marketing fees? Are these fees based on turnover or a flat rate?
There is R 4750 monthly royalty fee. There is only one clear, non-negotiable stipulation - the franchisee is contractually bound to purchase stock from the Franchisor's factory exclusively.
What extra marketing and advertising should a franchise budget for?
Head Office runs advertising on a national level through google ads, Facebook and Instagram. It is critical that the franchise must do the own marketing in their area to ensure success of their business.
What assets are included in the purchase price?
1. Computer 2. Printer 3. Main Chair x 1 4. Standard Chairs x 2 5. Desk 6. Stationery 7. Printed invoice books (4) 8. Printed quotation books (4) 9. Business cards (100) 10. Catalogues (10) 11. Flyers (5000) 12. TV Screen with flash disc for displaying all tombstones 13. Signage for shop windows (2) 14. Signage for main sign outside 15. Shop camera to monitor 16. Branded uniform (3 full sets) 17. Showroom tombstone samples (6) 18. Astro turf as decor 19.
Is the franchisor supplying all assets or can the franchisee source these items himself?
Everything to be supplied by the Franchisor. However, the franchisee will need to source a retail shop in the area they want to trade in which needs to be no smaller than 40 square metres. They will also need to be situated near the busy sections of town with a lot of foot traffic. The Franchisor can assist in identifying the best areas.
Is stock supplied with the initial franchise setup (if applicable?)
The franchise will get their 6 samples with their shop setup.
Will stock purchases be solely from franchisor in the future or can the franchisee pruchase from other suppliers?
Stock purchased solely from franchisor.
How many staff members are required to successfully operate the franchise?
The Franchisee will only require at least one staff member. Recommended 2 sales people. It can run as a sideline business, however oversight is required consistantly.
What training is provided for new franchisees and staff members? Is there a cost associated with this?
The Franchisor will train the new owner on the techniques and methods when selling tombstones and dealing with clients. They will also be trained on the procedures required to run a store and placing of orders. The Franchisor will spend 3 days on site setting up and assisting in the training of the new Franchisee in all aspects of tombstones until such time as they are satisfied with the competence of the Franchisee. Head Office will also train staff members prior to starting.
Where will training take place and for how long?
Training will take place in Johannesburg prior to setting up or training can be done at the franchisees retail store.
What support and backup is offered to the franchisee?
Franchisor will provide ongoing support and back up.
Does the franchise have to be owner operated?
No, can be run by a staff member and only overseen by the franchisee.
What type of premises do a new franchisee require to operate the franchise?
It must be a retail store of between 40 â 80sqm in an area with high foot traffic.
Can the franchise be operated from home?
Will the franchisor assist in identifying or acquiring premises and will assistance be provided with negotiating the lease on behalf of the franchisee?
Franchisor will help in identifying the right store
How many franchises will be allocated to each Area/ Province?
KWAZULU-NATAL Dundee Estcourt Greytown Harrismith Jozini Kranskop Melmoth Mkunzi Mtubatuba Newcastle Nongoma Paulpietersburg Piet Retief Stanger Ulundi Underberg Volksrust Vryheid Hammersdale Kwa Mashu LIMPOPO Bela Bela Brits Burgersfort Giyani Groblersdaal Lebwa Kgomo Lephalale Louis Trichardt Modimolle Polokwane Rustenburg Tzaneen EASTERN CAPE Buttersworth Cradock Dutywa East London Fort Beaufort Grahamstown Lusikisiki Mdontsane Mount Fletcher Mthatha Port Elizabeth Port St Johns Queenstown Tsomo GAUTENG
Will upgrades to the premises be required and if so how often will this occur?
Most retail shops are adequate as is however one would need to paint a feature wall with franchise colour which the franchisor will assist. Flooring around stones franchisor will supply astro turf.
What skills and background is the franchisor looking for in a prospective franchisee?
No skills per say is necessary except for being motivated and hungry to succeed.
Is there any industry regulations or licenses needed to operate the franchise?
Unique unrivaled product.
Finding the right staff member.
This market is massive and ever growing
If traditions change
What is the full purchase price of the franchise (incl VAT)?
What is included in the purchase price and breakdown of various costs?
Information available to approved applicants
Does the franchisor offer finance?
Do any of the Bank or Financial service providers recognises this franchise and will they offer any form of finance?
How many months working capital will the franchisee require?
3 months
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Annual Turnover Amount between R 500 thousand and R 6 million